Blog Storyfox

Everything about Micro Learning Video

Written by Storyfox | 7 July 2021

Professional training is not exempt from the digitization of HR offers and services. More than a mere trend, it reflects a natural evolution of HR functions and collaborators' expectations in terms of training. And when it comes to training, there is always room for innovation. Between traditional e-learning, gamification of training, blended, social or mobile learning and microlearning, it can be hard to know where to start. And when the different devices (tablet, computer, mobile) and media (audio, video) get mixed up, you can very quickly get lost. However, the quality of online training, especially through video, is the most important thing to remember.

You will not be able to find in this article the catalog of digital training. But we will focus on a format that has particularly caught our eye: the microlearning video. Since it is increasingly attracting the interest of training professionals, and because it has many advantages for the learners who are using it, it is time to take a closer look at this format!


Au sommaire :


Microlearning video definition


What is video microlearning? Basically, it is microlearning in video format. More specifically, video microlearning is an online training method that includes several short modules (also known as "nuggets" or "capsules"), in video format, focusing on a specific notion, and available at any time thanks to its availability on mobile, tablet or computer. 

To sum up, microlearning video addresses the following issues:

  • Learners are the main focus of the training: they can access the modules according to their needs
  • Training is available at any time, on any device, and anywhere
  • Contents can be consulted very quickly
  • The approach is innovative, learners create their own courses
  • Training videos are available upon request

So why would you choose microlearning videos when there are so many other forms of e-learning? How is this approach likely to enrich your training offer?

You are going to find out in this article, but
microlearning videos have everything to please you.




A “micro” service  for “huge” benefits


a. A fresh and innovative training offer

Microlearning is not that " micro ". Although its benefits include saving the learner's time, its primary purpose is to improve the efficiency and flexibility of the training. The impact is significant for the company. It is a real strategic shift in their support offered to collaborators. By letting collaborators choose the content of the training, the training rhythm, location, period and channel, they are in control of their own personal evolution, and thus, are responsible for developing new skills, independently and freely.

It is empowering, for sure. But also and most importantly, rewarding and motivating, isn't it?


b. A "collaborator centric" approach

At a time when we are all, more or less, suffering from the " information overload " phenomenon, it has become imperative to offer collaborators a brand new format for professional training and to provide them with a clear, qualitative, attractive and customized content format. Especially since time has become a rare and valuable resource.

Traditional learning formats, where learners meet in person or through an online lecture for several hours or days, are no longer the best solution. It is possible to mix formats, but short formats or capsules such as those offered in microlearning, meet a real demand for developing skills, and promote a new training approach that is easy to fit into overbooked schedules and turn into habits. Video is definitely the best format for this purpose.

Microlearning video, because it is easy to memorize, instructive and full of information, is becoming more and more popular. In terms of training, this new method keeps its promises: by making collaborators actors of their own training, they save a significant amount of time, which is transformed into efficiency and commitment to the company.


Your collaborators will thank you for making
training easier and they will be asking for more!



c. Accessibility

Have you ever heard of " ATAWAD "? It means "Anytime, Anywhere, Any device". It perfectly fits with microlearning video: being able to learn at any time, anywhere, and on any device! A real trend in digital learning. Why didn't we think of this before? Thankfully, video microlearning has made it happen.

By providing collaborators with short and striking modules and capsules, access is no longer a hindrance, and learners can now consult these content modules according to their needs, and thus increase their skills by preference and priority.

However, the purpose of these " nuggets " is not to distract collaborators from their objectives of progress. Quite the opposite! The purpose is to maintain a level of commitment by easily integrating these training sessions into their daily routine in order to obtain a relevant and valuable body of knowledge.

Our tips & tricks for a successful microlearning video


a. List and identify your training courses and the needs of your collaborators

Before getting into it, you should always know where you're starting from.

  • What is your training strategy?
  • What content do you offer and how do you share it?
  • Are your teams satisfied and engaged with their training experiences?

We invite you to ask yourself these questions in order to provide the best answers to your collaborators, and with the proper contents. As you will see, microlearning video gives e-learning programs a whole new dimension. Even though this type of exercise must be carefully designed, you should know that these short formats (that can be created with apps or ready-made solutions) can be quick and easy to produce. Cutting them up into capsules and the growing use of smartphones for filming, makes it easier to produce, update and broadcast them.

Of course, you can combine this approach with other teaching formats (this is called ''blended learning'', but we'll come back to that next time) in order to take the best of each.

Thanks to microlearning video, you will already meet the needs that have been expressed, as well as the required pedagogy and accessibility.


It's simple: by meeting the educational needs of your collaborators,
you won the jackpot: their full attention.



b. Overview of the content you can offer

Once again! Video is perfectly suited to teaching and catching participants' eye in microlearning. Since the format is short and available anywhere and at any time, even remotely, the impact of the content and the concentration obtained from it will be what makes it successful.

Are you wondering how to use the video format? What can you tell in short videos? Don't worry, there are plenty of things you can tell and the possibilities are endless, depending on your needs and your topics. The more you vary the format, the more likely you are to hold your audience's concentration, and therefore, the more effective their learning will be.

You would like to have an expert or a trainer speak? A video presentation is perfect. You need to introduce a product? Your expert can do a live demonstration. Do you prefer a demo? This is also possible, no matter what the environment or setting is. And have you ever thought about interviews? Tutorials?

Microlearning videos really bring something new to training and can transform it into a strategic performance lever.


That's pretty much how your collaborators
will react to your microlearning videos.



c. Produce and broadcast

Creation of micro-videos does not require any particular technical skills or equipment , but there are a few rules that must be followed. Just keep it simple:

  • Simple structure: 1 topic = 1 capsule
  • Simple content: you should get straight to the point in a few minutes in order to hold everyone's attention and share your knowledge.
  • Simple production: From shooting to editing, these video solutions have everything you need.

Simple dissemination: e-mail, social networks, dedicated platform... Each channel has its own specific purpose, and they can even be mixed together.

So, ready to jump in?


Interested in making your own microlearning videos?
Download this great guide below 👇

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