Blog Storyfox

The world of training after the Covid-19

Written by Storyfox | 5 July 2021

In response to the Covid-19 crisis, the Ministry of Labour has stated that welcoming participants to training courses was no longer possible. 

As of March 15, the French FFP asked to turn training courses into remote ones as much as possible, and to postpone those that could not be held remotely.

It is now time to take into account the new expectations and constraints of the post-Covid training world.


The impact of Covid-19 on the training sector 

A whole new approach to redefine the industry  

Make training videos quickly and easily


The impact of Covid-19 on the training sector


We are already witnessing the impact of Covid on training. Companies are focusing on the near future, and in some cases on their survival, and are trying to save money. This means that training courses will probably be cut back on. Thankfully, compulsory training courses are still allowed, according to the government. 

Another obvious trend: the development of distance learning, and this trend is far from being temporary. It could become an opportunity: the ongoing health and economic crises are accelerating and transforming the world of training.

A whole new approach to redefine the industry


We are all convinced that a new training model is emerging. This model relies on a wide range of learning modalities and digital tools, such as : 

  • online resources such as texts, slides (powerpoints), graphs...
  • pre-recorded pedagogical videos,
  • micro-learning videos,
  • video conferences to replace instructor and student group meetings,
  • peer groups that can help each other via video or whatsapp groups,
  • personalized coaching video, 
  • online tests to practice or validate skills,
  • and many other tools...

These tools can of course be combined with face-to-face training as soon as possible. 

Among all these tools enabling the development of distance learning, video is the most important one, as it can be used through video conferences or pre-recorded videos. Studies have demonstrated that video is much more effective than written formats when it comes to memorizing information and generating commitment. But most importantly, mindsets have changed and video is now approved by many! Over the last 2 months, everyone has become familiar with the video format, both for professional and personal purposes. From remote meetings, to video lessons, and piano lessons taken on YouTube, everyone has adopted video! 

Whatever distance learning you elaborate, video must be given a major role. For video conferences, it's quite simple, you only have to change your habits: you hold training sessions by talking on a Zoom, Teams or Googlemeet, share a screen, project your slides and answer the students' questions. But for pre-recorded videos, it is a bit more complicated...

Make training videos quickly and easily


First step: come up with ideas to make training videos. We wrote a much more detailed article on this topic, "5 video ideas to promote training in your company". It will cost you a lot of money to ask an agency to make your videos. But instead, you can produce the videos yourself, and there are a lot of tools with many sophisticated features available for this purpose. Sometimes it can be justified to make such an investment in terms of learning and creation time. But not always...

Sometimes you might want to add microlearning video to your training modules, with a whole bunch of short and effective videos. For example: a trainer explains a key concept, conducts a procedure and explains it, presents the content of a training module, or a participant gives feedback on the quality of the training.

Of course, everybody would like to do this kind of micro-learning videos without spending too much time and without any particular skills... Here comes the innovative solutions.

With Storyfox, you can quickly create a lot of videos with your smartphone. Framing is simple and created beforehand (based on templates, scenarios and your graphic charter). You are guided during the shooting process thanks to the instructions of the mobile app. Finally, editing is automated. The app provides you with the edited video and you can manage all of your videos in your back office. 

Another thing: every trainer or participant can produce their own videos using the mobile app. It means that everyone is free to share their knowledge, their teaching methods and their experience. It is no longer necessary to have a dedicated person who will spend time creating every single video.


Interested in our solution ? Just request a demo 🦊



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